
Tryouts For 2013 Season

Tryouts for the Academy teams for the 2013 season are currently scheduled for August 26 and September 2.  Times to be announced later.  Make-up dates will be determined at a later date.

Ages 7 through 14! 



MBA Members and Families

I hope the new year is off to a great start for all of you!  Our classes have been a huge success thanks to you and your sons for their dedication and effort toward the MBA and baseball in general.  In order to ensure the best transition into the Spring baseball season, session 5 will be the last session offered until May.  This will enable each player to begin to focus more on team baseball and less on themselves.  Also, it will prevent any conflict with their current coaches and teams. Again, thanks to everyone for their support of the MBA and I wish all MBA participants the best of luck this baseball season. GO MOUNTIES!!!!

Don't forget to sign up for session 5, click on "Academy Documents", for more information on times and schedules.


Coach Bunch



Welcome MBA to the 2012 Baseball Season...

Happy New Year MBA Families

I am excited to welcome everyone into a new year and a new and exciting baseball season.  I wanted to give a quick overview of where we are as an academy.  As of right now, we are starting our second year as an organization.  I am very proud of the RHS Community and the support we have recieved for the Mountaineer Baseball Academy (MBA).  Our mission is to "develop the physical/mental baseball skills" for student athletes in the Rogers feeder system.  As of right now, we have around 300 families on our mailing list and taking our baseball classes.  

Due to our growing numbers, the academy will be starting January 15 and begin offering classess/sessions on Saturdays and Sundays. Currently, we are taking Registration for SESSION 4. Each session will offer our baseball specific skills, so be sure to look at the course overview before signing up.  When signing up please make sure that a "MBA Application" is filled out prior to enrolling into any classes/sessions.  This membership is good for the 2011-2012 school year. Space is limited in each class, so sign up today!

Last, there have been several members that have asked about getting new academy t-shirts and hats.  There will be a "store" set up at each session that will be selling these items, plus some other season items, as well.

The MBA is looking forward to another great year and we appreciate your support for the 2012 season! 


ps- Please check the MBA website often, since we have discovered that this is the best way to communicate with the RHS feeder schools.  Also, if you know someone who has not discovered the academy please tell them about the MBA EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION.

Darek Bunch

MBA President




Academy Email List

It has come to our attention that some emails from last year participants may have not been added to the email list.  We are using a bulk email program that requires permission from the recipient.  It is possible that you email system does not recieve bulk email unless you give us the permission.  So we may have lost some of you this way.  THE EASY FIX IS FOR YOU TO SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAILS IN THE "SIGN UP FOR ACADEMY EMAIL" SECTION ON THE RIGHT HAND COLUMN OF THE WEBSITE.  If that doesn't work you will need to contact your email manager about adding us as a trusted email source.  Sorry for the confusion.  The website is STILL THE BEST SOURCE FOR INFORMATION.  Thanks for your interest in the Academy.



Mountaineer Baseball Academy 2011-12 is now accepting applications...

Academy parents and players, welcome back to the 2011-2012 Mountaineer Baseball Academy.  This academy season is going to be an awesome season as we begin to embark on our second year as organization.  Last year proved to be a huge success with over 170 players enrolled in the academy.  However, as all great programs, we are looking to make this season better than last.  

"How does the academy plan to do that?" Well one of the biggest changes this year will be to offer academy "classes" that will run throughout the week. This will allow each player and their family to pick which "classes" they prefer and what day of the week works best for their family.  Like last year, we will still offer the Sunday "group" setting, but this will not begin until January 2012.   

The academy will still be levelized and set up for player advancement, but we have modified and simplified the advancement system.  The "class" setting will provide the player to choose which area of the game he would like to improve at and take as many classes in that area until the highest rank is achieved.  However, a prerequisite to moving forward is that the "class" must be passed through player evaluations and test.

Along, with the new "class" setting, community sessions/evalution, and advancement levels, the academy is also going to begin the process for selecting at least one competitive academy team per age group (7-13).  As an organization, we believe that each player deserves the best opportunity to learn the game of baseball and then play with those that are going to provide the best challenge for them to improve their baseball skills and overall baseball enjoyment.  Therefore, each player interested will be objectively evaluated and then placed accordingly based on where we believe, as an organization, they will experience the most success.  

We are very excited about this year.  In order to start the year off right, we will be posting our player applications by September 6, on the academy website.  Also, we will be providing quality instruction, the "Mountie Way", for a very reasonable price.  This is to ensure that all players that are in the RHS feeder system are provided the same opportunity for success, leaving no one behind.

The cost for a years membership into the academy is $40.  Each class that a player enrolls into will cost $20 per session.  Each session last 4 weeks, one day a week, for at least one hour a day for a total of no less than 4 hours per session.  This equals around $5 per day.  Space will be limited and sign ups for each session will take place 2 weeks prior to each session. Our first session will begin the first week of October, with enrollment for that session starting September 12.  Each player must be a current academy member in order to enroll into the classes for the discounted rate of $20 per session.  

Registration Bottom Line: 

  1. Each Player will need to fill out a MBA Application for this School Year (2011-12). 
  2. Each player will need to Register for Classes for Session 1 Classes.
  3. Get your MBA application now by clicking on the Academy Document tab at the top of the page.  You can also get the Session 1 Registration Form and schedule on the Academy Document tab.


Go Mounties,

Darek Bunch

Assistant Coach 

Rogers High School

